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Smart Ranching For Cattle

Compact livestock tracking unit that delivers remote herd intelligence to your fingertips

GSatRancher: Solar Powered Satellite Tracking Device

Devices +
Data Plans +
GPS Mapping Software
For 100 cattle

Smart Ranching Kit

Includes 100 devices & 100 ear tags, each with a data plan and GPS tracking software for 3 years ($150 per device)

  • 100x Solar-Powered, Satellite Tracking Devices
  • Free 4 Reports /day per Device
  • Free GPS Mapping Software
  • $0 Activation
  • 3 Years of Data & GPS Tracking included
  • Additional devices and data plan upgrades available

GSatRancher: Additional Data Plans

Plan Duration: 3 years

Data Plan Price
4 Reports /day INCLUDED FREE
6 Reports /day + $10 per device
8 Reports /day + $20 per device
12 Reports /day + $40 per device

GSatRancher: Accessories
Casing: Custom Color Plastic
Minimum Order of 1000
$6.00 /each
Extra Animal Ear Tags $8.00 /each

GSatRancher: Requirements
Cattle Assets Only
Minimum Order of 100 (Smart Ranching Kit includes 100 devices)